Gamify your

Github experience !

Earn rewards for your contributions, collect unique emojis, and level up your coding journey.

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3 new PR merged !


Enhance your github journey with rewards


Gamified experience

Transform GitHub into an engaging game with rewards for every merged pull request, approval, and comment.


Collect unique emojis

Earn coins and collect a variety of animal emojis, from common pets to legendary creatures.


Level up and unlock perks

Gain experience points (XP) for your contributions and level up to unlock new perks and abilities.

How it works

Get a Github token 🏃

Create a personal access token from your GitHub account to securely connect with our app.

Save it in the app 💾

Enter your GitHub token in the app to link your GitHub activity with our reward system. Your token is hashed before being saved in our DB.

Merge, comment and approve PR 🧑‍💻

Continue your regular GitHub workflow by merging pull requests, commenting on issues, and approving PRs.

Collect XP and emojis 🏆

Earn coins and experience points (XP) for each contribution, and use them to collect unique emojis and level up.


The project is free to use at the moment, feel free to pay us a coffee by sponsoring us on Github if you'd like to help ☕️

Any questions ?

Start collecting today